Accenture reported that optimization of AI will possibly help a company increase annual revenue by 38% on average by 2035 compared to today. From a different viewpoint, optimization of AI will possibly create GVA (Gross Value Added) of $14 trillion for 16 industries in 12 advanced countries including Japan.
With optimization of AI, the lodging and restaurant industry is expected to increase revenue by 74%, which is the second largest ratio following the education industry (84%). The survey result shows that AI will contribute to a large increase in revenue even for labor-intensive industries with slow productivity.
In comparison between the baseline scenario without optimization of AI and the AI scenario with penetration of AI into markets, AI will possibly improve the economic growth rate as of 2035 by 1.7% on a weighted average.
The survey came from the Accenture’s report of ‘Why Artificial Intelligence is the Future of Growth’ in 2016, which analyzed economic impacts by AI in 12 advanced countries. The report says that drastic change of working style by AI will possibly help the annual economic growth rate double and labor productivity improve by up to 40% in 2035.