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Visual information motives about 20% of Japanese travelers to visit the visualized destination

Visual information motives about 20% of Japanese travelers to visit the visualized destination

The survey on relationship between visual information and motivation to travel, conducted by JTB Tourism Research & Consulting, finds that the ratio of ‘you actually traveled to the visualized destination, motivated by visual information’ was 19.7% of the total. Combined 24.8% of ‘you did not travel to the visualized destination, though you were motivated by visual information,’ the ratio of respondents motivated by visual information totaled 44.5%.


Among 10’s to 40’s males and 10 to 29 year old females, the ratios of traveling to the visualized destination were relatively high. In reverse, the ratio of ‘you were satisfied with visual information only’ reached 6.0%.

The table below shows relationship between visual information and motivation to travel:


Among respondents motivated by visual information, the biggest reason was ‘you want to confirm reality (59.3%),’ followed by ‘you want to feel real wind or sound in the visualized destination (55.2%).’ Other reasons included ‘you want to touch local lifestyle or culture to understand the visual destination (15.7%)’ and ‘you want to post the travel on SNS (4.6%).’

More respondents who were satisfied with visual information only were found in the following visual contents: nature landscape, lifestyle or streetscape, souvenir or folk art, experience scene or funny or strange things. More respondents who actually traveled were found the visual contents of historic heritage, traditional or local food or native food.

From the results, JTB Research & Consulting analyzed that food is a strong motivation for travel.

The table below shows relationship between visual contents and respondents’ behaviors:

The biggest visual information source was SNS (45.2%), followed by video on YouTube or other media (35.2%) and online movie or TV (26.8%). The ratio of SNS was higher in 29 years old or younger females, and video was higher in 40 years old or young males and 50’s to 60’s females.

In Japanese