Travel VoiceTravel Voice | Japanese Travel Trade News Japan's No.1 to expand its business in Japan with a goal to increase contract hotels 10,000 by the end of 2016 to expand its business in Japan with a goal to increase contract hotels 10,000 by the end of 2016

The world’s largest online accommodation booking site is expanding its business in Japan. James Whitemore, Regional Director North Asia, said at an explanatory meeting for media in Tokyo on July 28 that is trying to increase contract hotels and users to raise its presence in Japan, which is now center of global tourism. The online booking site is particularly taking positive actions for the growing inbound travel market of Japan.

Having a goal to increase hotels from 7,000 today to 10,000 by the end of 2016, is enriching the operation system in Japan by doubling Japanese-speaking call center staff from 100 up to 200 and also increasing staff involving sales activity, partnership with properties and content creation by 15% to 30% compared to today. Also, a new office will open in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture in November this year in addition to Omotesando, Shibuya, Osaka, Fukuoka and Sapporo.

In addition, has started broadcasting TV CM with a theme of‘Here’s to the Explorers,’ which contains a message that accommodation is not mere a place to stay but a base of adventure, targeting 20’s to 30’s FITs. Japan is the 8th country in the world develops TV advertising campaign. Hironori Katsuse, Regional Manager Japan at Japan, said, “We have consolidated our business base in Japan since we started the booking business in Japan in 2009. From now on, we are expanding our business in earnest.”

“Mobile is a big wave in e-commerce market,” Katsuse said. has started providing Booking Now exclusively for last-minute booking on both iOS and Android in addition to existing app.“Bookings through smart phone are increasing for sure,” Katsuse added.

Unique users visiting reached 234 million a month as of January 2015. Focusing on localization, makes efforts to make the simply and understandably designed website in Japanese and also translate more than 50 million user reviews in Japanese.

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