The booking results for traveling in Japan on Expedia Group found that the highest growth rate of bookings in 2016 was found in Brazil with 60% or higher up on all devices and about 95% up on mobile terminals. The results came from year-round bookings on 200 or more Expedia Group’s sites in 75 or more countries.
Brazil was followed by Korea with about 60% up on all devices and 105% or higher up on mobile terminals, Indonesia, Taiwan and U.S., as the table below shows:
By destination in Japan, the highest growth rate of bookings was found in Kagoshima (up about 200%), followed by Okayama (up 150% or higher), Oita (up about 140%), Hokkaido (up about 110%) and Ishikawa (up about 95%). The results represented that international visitors decentralized to local regions from so-called Golden Route from Tokyo to Osaka, according to Expedia.
Also, Expedia said that four or five-star hotels were particularly preferred by travelers from U.S., China, U.K., Singapore or Australia, and two or three-star hotels by travelers from Southeast Asia or Europe.