Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) reported that the number of international visitors in Japan was up 9.0% year on year, reaching 2,502,000 in January 2018 (record-high for January: 2,296,000 in January 2017).
The graphs below show the change in the number of international visitors in Japan for the past year:
The top market was South Korea with 803,800 visitors (+28.5%), which were record-high on a single month basis, followed by China with 632,300 (+0.3%), Taiwan with 350,500 (-0.1%), and Hong Kong with 160,500 (-13.5%) visitors. The share of visitors from these four markets was 77.8% of the total, though visitors from Greater China reduced because the Chinese New Year holiday period shifted to February this year.
Visitors from Australia reached record-high 69,900 on a single month basis, and visitors from all of the major markets except Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada and U.K. were record-high for January.
For each market, the number of visitor arrivals in January 2018 was: