Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan announced that the domestic EC market scale of Japan was up 7.6% year on year to 13.8 trillion JPY in 2015. The total consisted of 7.2 trillion JPY for product sales (+6.4%), 4.9 trillion JPY for services (+9.4%) and 1.6 trillion JPY for digital (+8.1%),.
The table below shows growths of the EC market scale in the last six years:

The EC market scale on online B2B was up 3.5% to 203 trillion JPY with the EC rate of 19.2%, and including traditional transactions, the scale was up 3.0% to 288 trillion JPY with the EC rate of 27.3%.
As far as the market scale for services is concerned, the scale of travel-related services increased by 9.7% to 2.9 trillion JPY, followed by 619.2 billion JPY for financing services (-2.0%), 375 billion JPY for ticketing services (+13.6%) and 237.9 billion JPY for food services (+34.9%). Breakdown of the market scale for services is as below:

The METI report also finds that transactions on smart phones in the product sales field reached 1.98 trillion JPY, which accounted for 27.4% of the total.
The cross-border EC transactions from China to Japan increased by 31.2% to 795.6 billion JPY, and from U.S.A. to Japan by 10.5% to 538.1 billion JPY. In reverse, the cross-border EC transactions from Japan to China and U.S.A. totaled 222.9 billion JPY (+6.9%), 200 billion JPY to U.S.A. and 21 billion JPY to China.
In Japanese