JTB has forecasted that international visitors to Japan will increase by 12% year on year to 27 million in 2017, according to the travel trend forecast for 2017 announced on December 21. Japanese overseas travelers in 2017 are expected to reach 17 million, almost the same as 2016, and travelers in Japan are expected to increase by 0.4% to 298 million. The average travels a Japanese may be 2.52 times a year, 0.01 more times than a year ago.
Travel consumption is expected to increase from 14,380 billion JPY in 2016 to 14,610 billion JPY in 2017, which consist of 10,410 billion JPY for domestic travel (+0.8%) and 4,200 billion JPY for overseas travel (+3.7%). The average travel expense per capita was up 0.3% to 34,920 JPY for travel in Japan and up 3.8% to 247,200 JPY for overseas travel.
The consumer survey finds that the ratio of respondents being willing to increase travel expenses for the next year raises by 4.0 points to 16.9%, and the ratio of those being willing to reduce travel expenses reduces by 2.2 points to 26.8%. The ratio of status quo reduces by 1.8 points to 56.3%.
JTB has also forecasted that Japanese overseas travelers in 2016 may increase by 4.8% year on year to 17 million with the average travel expense per capita of 238,200 yen (-4.6%). The lower travel expense per capita is primarily influenced by reduction of travelers for high-cost Europe.
JTB has projected that the inbound travel market will be affected by exchange rate and economic conditions in China and Asia. International visitors on cruise ships are expected to continue growing, as the Japanese government is developing reception environment as a national program.
The survey targeted 1,200 15 to 79 years old males and females, conducted in the period from November 2 to 14 2016.