The share of international guests in local regions of Japan rose to 34% in December 2024, higher than the growth in urban areas

Japan Tourism Agency reported that the number of international guests in December 2024 was up 22.9% year on year to 15.4 million, which accounted for 28.2% of the total including Japanese guests. 

The total of international guests consisted of 10.2 million in three urban areas (up 18.5%) and 5.2 million in local regions (up 32.5%). The ratio of those staying in local regions expanded from 28.2% in December 2022 to 31.1% in December 2023 and to 33.6% in December 2024.


By prefecture, the highest growth of international guests was seen in Gifu with 119.9% up, followed by Miyazaki with 118.6% up, 

By source market, China was top with 2.4 million guests, followed by Korea with 1.7 million guests, Taiwan with 1.6 million guests, U.S. with 1.2 million guests and Hong Kong with 826,000 guests. The share of the top five markets was 59.9% of the total. 

In comparison with December 2023, the large growths were seen in Russia with 130.5% up, China with 77% up or Spain with 61.6% up.

For the full year of 2024

For the full year of 2024, international guests were up 38.9% year on year or up 41.5% over 2019 to 163 million. Those in three urban areas increased by 56.5% over 2019, and the share also rose from 62.7% to 69.4%. Those in local regions increased by 16% over 2019, and the share reduced from 37.3% to 30.6%. 

The top five source markets were China, Taiwan, Korea, U.S. and Hong kong in order, which accounted for 61.1% of the total. The large growths were seen Russia with 147.2% up, China with 129.7% up, U.K. with 46.1% up, France with 45.1% up, Germany with 43.5% up, Italy with 63.2% up and Spain with 69.4% up. 

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