survey shows business + leisure travel is more preferred worldwide than before

The latest survey on business travel in 13 countries finds that more than 30% of all respondents answered, “I don’t care about low salary if I have a lot of business travel opportunities.” In Japan, however, the ratio was just 10%, which was the lowest among the targeted countries.

The ratio of business travelers who have extended their stays for businesses to visit different cities to countries reached 49% worldwide. In Japan, the ratio was 22%, which was also the lowest among the targeted countries.

As a new travel style combined business with leisure is more preferred than before, said that a border between business and leisure travels for businesspersons is unclear. The trend seems to expand even in Japan in the future.

The survey was conducted in September 2016, targeting 12,781 respondents from Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, France, India, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, U.K., U.S. and Switzerland.

In Japanese

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