Comparison of Japanese travelers to Hawaii, Guam and Okinawa in the last decade

Based on the official statistics for 2019, Japanese travelers increased by 4.7% year on year to 1,559,000 for Hawaii, by 21.6% to 684,800 for Guam and by 4.2% to 7,233,900 for Okinawa. 

Travelers for Okinawa broke the previous annual records for two years in a row, and travelers for Guam resulted in the first year-on-year growth since 2013. 

The graph below illustrates yearly changes of Japanese travelers in the last decade:


In December 2019 only, the results were 137,000 for Hawaii (+7.3%), 67,800 for Guam (+9.3%) and 577,000 for Okinawa (+0.4%), as the graph below illustrates.


In Japanese

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