The latest Hotels.com survey on Chinese travelers finds that one third of them answered, “We wish to spend more time on traveling in the next year even though an economic condition is worse than today.”
The top destination they want to visit within a year was Australia (15%), followed by Japan (13%) and Hong Kong (11%). Japan was the most attractive destination for them in terms of culinary, resort/beach and culture, the second most in terms of sightseeing and shopping and the third most in terms of backpacker and adventure.
The table below shows tourist attractions for Chinese travelers by destination:

Regarding booking channel, the ratio of Chinese travelers booking travels on OTA reached 74% of the total, and the ratio of bookings on mobile rose from 52% a year ago to 62%. Interestingly, the survey shows that 99% of Chinese travelers travel with digital devices, such as smart phone, camera or tablet.
Meantime, the survey on accommodation in Japan finds that they provide Chinese guests with a variety of services as follows: free-Wi-Fi (56%), acceptance of China Union Pay or Alipay (23%), website in Chinese (15%) or Chinese-speaking staff (12%). The ratio of hotels that have plans to prepare name boards in Chinese reached 28%, and the ratio of those that have plans to educate staff about Chinese cultures.
In Japanese