JTB officially announced that the largest travel company of Japan aims at practical carbon neutral by FY2050 after achieving practical zero CO2 emission by itself by FY2030 as its midterm corporate target.
One of the specific actions is to reduce electric power consumption in the Scope 1 and 2 stages, which accounted for about 90% of the total in FY2019, by shifting to renewable energy or introducing energy-saving facilities. To accomplish the actions, JTB is accelerating more efficient usage of lights or AC, shift to EV cars or energy-saving offices or change to higher energy-efficient equipments.
For the Scope 3 stage, in which about 80% accounted for transportation and about 20% for accommodation in FY2019, JTB is developing collaboration with business partners in terms of operation, purchase or service design, including creation of environment-friendly tours and services with transportation and accommodation providers.
In addition, JTB is trying to educate customers and local communities by delivering sustainability information. Its efforts also contain paperless in daily business activities, more options of services or solutions for CO2 emission reduction and promotion of sustainable tourism through the whole value chain system.