Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan announced in December 12 2015 that the ministry is opening statistic date for tourism and local economy and developing an analysis system for that by adding new functions to visualize foreign travelers’ spending information in Regional Economy Society Analyzing System (RESAS).
In addition to that, METI will begin demonstrating ‘Tourism Forecast Platform’ and ‘Information Delivery Platform for Foreign Travelers’, working together with several private companies, to develop the platforms not only for local governments or private corporations but also for everyone to use freely.
RESAS, jointly opened by METI and Cabinet Secretariat in April 2015, is a system to analyze and visualize big date on industries and population in local regions and movements of travelers.
One of the new factions in RESAS is ‘Local Economy Circulation Map,’ which analyzes flow of funds in local regions, such as prefectures, cities or villages, in the economy circulation on the three stages of production, distribution and spending. The following image shows the circulation on the three stages.

The existing function of ‘Tourism Map’ is enhanced with two new functions of ‘Foreign Travelers’ Spending Map,’ which analyzes and visualizes spending on credit cards by foreigners, and ‘Foreigner Travelers’ Spending Analysis,’ which shows transaction trends and unit prices spent by foreigners. Also, another function of ‘Destination Analysis’ to map searches of tourism facilities will open in April 2016.
The following image is ‘Foreign Travelers’ Spending Map.’

‘Tourism Forecast Platform’ is a platform to visualize demographics of lodging guests based on booking information or data of about 66 million nights in the past nationwide. The platform has begun providing forecasts six months ahead in terms of busy tourist spots, popularity and a lodging trend, joined by JTB Corporate Sales, Soken and Open Tone from the private sector. ‘Information Delivery Platform for Foreign Travelers’ is a platform to provide service providers with data on foreign traveler’s behavior analysis including how they have stresses in traveling. Demonstrations for the platform includes information delivery based on demographics, a possibility to offer coupons or a use for marketing activities, joined by ROI, Dentsu, NaviTime Japan, Blog Watcher and Recruit Lifestyle from the private sector.
he following movies introduces ‘Tourism Forecast Platform.’
In Japanese