TripAdvisor conducted the travelers’ trend survey in six designated markets of Japan, US, UK, Australia, Italy and Singapore in June this year, following the last survey in April this year, to seek the market insights under the COVID-19 crisis.TripAdvisor Japan leader Tomoe Makino explained the survey results at Travel Voice LIVE in late July this year to help audiences find some hints to recover demands in both domestic and inbound travel markets.
Asked bout the expected time to recover the domestic travel market of Japan, 24% answered ‘within the next three months’ (12% in the last survey), and 50% ‘within the next six months’ (34% in the last survey). The findings represent that people are more positive in traveling in Japan than before. On the contrary, 85% still say ‘waiting and seeing overseas travel for more than one year’ (87% in the last survey).
For a question of ‘what kind of travel you want next,’ the ratio of ‘going to a place within 90 minutes from home’ rises by 7 points to 41%, and the ratio of ‘Staycation’ by 6 points to 23%. Makino revealed that keywords of ‘Hakone,’ ‘Atami’ or ‘Kusatsu’ have been more searched in Tokyo.
The same question in the rest of five markets shows that the ratio of ‘five hours or longer overseas travel’ drops in US, Australia and Singapore maybe because the second wave of COVID-19 has hit each of the countries. Regarding resuming of overseas travel, the highest ratios of ‘more than one year later’ are found in US (55%) and Australia (62%).
Makino pointed out that one of the interesting trends is that the ratio of ‘more opportunities to enjoy outdoor or nature activities’ accounts for 30% to 50% in all of the six markets.
Travel Voice Tsurumoto (above), TripAdvisor Makino (below)
In comparison of necessary behaviors in new normal lifestyle among the six markets, ‘keeping social distancing’ is top in Japan, rising from 60% to 70% to become top, followed by ‘wearing a mask outside (61%).’ With regard to ‘wearing a mask,’ the awareness varies with the markets, like the low ratio of 20% in Australia.
Asked about what you pay attention to when you select a destination, the top answer is ‘to avoid congestion in a destination’ in all of the six markets, and the survey finds that many travelers pay attention to hygiene managements in a destination.
The biggest difference between Japan and another five markets is seen in ‘access to a high-grade hospital,’ as the ratio is 50% or higher in another five markets, versus 20% in Japan.
Also, ‘contactless payment’ is just 13% in Japan, while 40% or higher answers are found in another five markets: 51% in UK or 66% in Singapore.
For ‘what kind of travel services you want to choose next,’ the top answer is ‘travel insurance to compensate for cancelation’ in all of the six markets.
What you pay attention to when you select a destination
What kind of travel services you want to choose next
The survey finds that hygiene management in a lodging is required more in another countries than in Japan. Makino said, “Consumers want to know what a real traveler feel for hygiene management. Accommodation providers should focus on communication with word of mouth from real travelers in addition to delivering their messages.”
TripAdvisor surveyed the travelers' interests in local activities for the first time. In Japan, 92% prefer ‘a private small-group tour with familiar companions, while just 9% ‘a private small-group tour with unknown people.’ In reverse, 20 % to 30% prefer ‘a private small-group tour with unknown people’ in the rest of the five markets.
For virtual experience services, the ratio of users are just 7% in Japan, versus around 20% in the rest of the five markets.