TripAdvisor announced top 10 popular overseas destinations for Japanese travelers in the summer 2016, based on its data. The most popular destination is Honolulu, followed by Singapore, Bangkok and Taipei.
The survey also finds that the average travel expense in a week, which is based on payments for hotel, air and meal, is 406,350 JPY for Honolulu, followed by 229,990 JPY for Singapore and 182,140 JPY for Bangkok. The cheapest expense is 139,850 JPY for Da Nang of Vietnam. Interestingly, lodging expense in New York City (35,210 JPY per person) is almost twice more expensive than that in Paris (18,530 JPY).

In the meantime, the lowest average travel expenses by season are 333,430 JPY for Honolulu in the week from September 26 to October 2 (37% lower than the peak), 217,350 JPY for Singapore in the week from September 5 to 11 (16% lower) and 149,220 JPY for Bangkok in the week from August 29 to September 4 (24% lower).
In Japanese