Based on official statistics data in June 2016, Japanese travelers increased by 0.9% to 117,060 for Hawaii and by 8.2% to 498,500 for Okinawa, but reduced by 2.3% to 53,040 for Guam on a year-on-year basis.
Japanese travelers for Hawaii kept 100,000 to 120,000 after a 6.4% increase in January 2016, and those for Guam resulted in year-on-year reductions for nine months in a row since October 2015. Those for Okinawa resulted in year-on-year growths for seven months in a row except March 2016 since December 2015, and more than 500,000 Japanese visited Okinawa in March, April and June in 2016.
The table below shows monthly changes of Japanese travelers to the three destinations in the past year: