Expedia Japan conducted a comparison survey on travel trend of Millennial generation (born from 1982〜1999) in 21 countries. As a result, the ratio of Japanese Millennials without overseas travel in the past year was 58%, which was the highest among 21 countries. The ratio of those who experienced travel in Japan, however, reached 67%.
Interestingly traveling alone accounted for 25%, which was the highest, followed by 16% in Korea. The ratio of couple was 27% in Japan, which was the second lowest following 15% in Korea.
The most important element in planning a travel was destination (36%), followed by transportation cost (27%) and accommodation cost (20%) in Japan. The most preferred travel days were one to four days (62%).
The ratio of posing on SNS while traveling was 27%, which was the lowest in 21 countries. The result was reflected by the lowest ratio of checking SNS everyday (67%) in 21 countries.
Millennials in all of seven Asian countries (Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China and Singapore) chose Japan as a destination they want to go within the next five years.