Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) reported that spending on travel in Japan by Japanese was up 0.1% year on year to 4,415.4 billion JPY in the first quarter of 2017 (January to March 2017). The total consisted of 3,339.6 billion JPY for overnight travel (-1.6%) and 1,075.8 billion JPY for daytrip.
Japanese travelers in Japan reduced by 3.2% to 138.7 million, which were broken down into 706.9 overnight travelers (-4.0%) and 68 million day travelers (-2.4%). The reduction mainly resulted from fewer holidays in January and February in 2017 than a year earlier, according to JTA.
The table below shows quarterly change of spending on travel in Japan by Japanese:
Spending per travel per capita was up 3.4% to 31,844 JPY. It was 47,245 JPY for overnight travel (+2.5%) and 15,828 JPY for day travel (+8.3%).
The table below shows quarterly change of spending per travel per capita: