Japan Tourism Agency reported that spending in Japan by international visitors in the second quarter of 2017 (April to June) increased by 13% year on year to 1,078 billion JPY, which resulted in the first over 1,000 billion JPY in a quarter since the third quarter of 2015. The total for the first half of 2017 was accordingly up 8.6% to 2,046 billion JPY, the first over 2,000 billion JPY in the first half.
On the contrary, spending per capita has continued declining since the first quarter of 2016, and it was down 6.7% to 149,248 JPY in the second quarter of 2017.
The table below shows spending in Japan by international visitors and the number of international visitors by quarter. The announced preliminarily figures for the second quarter of 2017 can be revised later.
As far as spending per capita is concerned, the highest amount was 251,171 JPY by a visitor from U.K. (+36.2%), followed by 233,110 JPY by a visitor from Italy (+25.2%) and 225,485 JPY by a visitor from China (+2.5%).
The most spending market, multiplying visitors by spending per capita, was China with 368.2 billion JPY (+4.3%), which accounted for 34.2% of the total, followed by Taiwan with 153.6 billion JPY (+7.6%) and Korea with 117.7 billion JPY (+70%). Spending by visitors from China, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and U.S. accounted for 74.4% of the total.
The table below shows spending amounts and composition by market:
By spending action, spending for shopping amounted to 414.6 billion JPY with a share of 38.5%, followed by 296.5 billion JPY for lodging with a share of 27.5% and 208.6 billion JPY for dining with a share of 19.4%. As far as lodging is concerned, spending by a visitor from U.K. and Italy remarkably exceeded 100,000 JPY. For shopping, a Chinese visitor spent 131,000 JPY on average, which was the top among the targeted markets.
The table below shows spending details by market: