Travel Voice summarizes the COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and South Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong as of April 30 2020. The Japanese government has issued Travel Advice and Warning Level 2 (Avoid non-essential travel) all over the world since for Japanese citizens since March 25 2020.
From China to Japan
Entry refusal of foreigners who have stayed in China for the last 14 days
From Japan to China
Tentative suspension of visa wavier for 15 days or fewer
Tentative suspension of valid visa or residence certification that were issued before March 28 2020
Tentative suspension of entries of foreigners with APAC Business Travel Card
Entry with newly issued visa is permitted
Diplomatic, official, courtesy and crew visa are still effective
From South Korea to Japan
Entry refusal of foreigners who have stayed in South Korea for the last 14 days
From Japan to South Korea
Suspension of short-term visa issued at South Korean embassies in all foreign countries
Suspension of visa waiver for Japanese passports and of issued valid visa
From Taiwan to Japan
Entry refusal of foreigners who have stayed in Taiwan for the last 14 days
From Japan to Taiwan
Refusal of entries and flight transits of all foreigners, except those who have residence certification, diplomatic certification, business contract certification or special permission (14 days self-quarantine home is required)
From Hong Kong to Japan
Entry refusal of foreigners who have stayed in Hong Kong for the last 14 days
From Japan to Hong Kong
Entry refusal of all non-Hong Kong residents, including travelers from mainland China, Macao and Taiwan, and those who have stayed in other foreign countries for the last 14 days at Hong Kong International Airport
Suspension of all transit flights at Hong Kong International Airport
The graphs below illustrate visitors from the four countries and regions to Japan and Japanese travelers to four countries and regions in the last 12 months:
The graphs below illustrate visitors from the four countries and regions to Japan and Japanese travelers to four countries and regions in the last decade: