Jalan Research Center recently conducted a research about over-tourism in Japan, as international travelers to Japan has increased at higher pace than 2019.
According to the results, 59.7% of people in residence areas and 63.4% of people in business areas realized that tourists are crowded or slightly crowded. The ratios of answers that an increase in tourists give positive influences were 52.4% in residence areas and 75.7% in business areas.
The problems happened from over-crowded tourists were ‘atmosphere in a residence area has changed’ and ‘bad manner tourists,’ both of which were picked by 57.5% of people, followed by ‘not easy to get on a bus or a train or to enter a restaurant because of over-crowded tourists (42.6%).’
By region, the ratio of ‘atmosphere in a residence area has changed’ was high in Kansai (72.9%) and Kyushu and Okinawa (66.3%), and the high ratio of “rapid rise in costs’ was seen in Kanto (60%).
The necessary and easier countermeasures against over-tourism were ‘educating manners to foreigners in multi-languages (54.8%)’ and ‘delivering information on manners (50.5%),’
On the contrary, 44.9% said that it is not easy to solve a traffic jam issue, and 44.5% said that it is difficult to strengthen public transportation infrastructure.
The major reasons why international tourists have not been spread to local regions yet were ‘shortage of skills or specialities of human resources (40%),’ ‘shortage of workforces (38.4%)’ and ‘cooperation and sharing roles among areas are difficult (38.2%).’ Shortage of workforces’ were particularly seen in Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kanto.
Jalan Research Center