The latest JTB Tourism Research & Consulting’s survey finds that searches on map apps or video posting sites have recently increased, and generative AI users have surged. The most-used function on a smartphone is a map app, surpassing telephone for the first time.
The ratio of people who use a smartphone for booking or purchasing travel contents is 60% or higher, 3.3 higher points than a year ago. While accommodation bookings continue growing, ticket purchasing have slightly reduced.
The most-used search way is ‘keyword search on a search engine (81.7%),’ followed by ‘keyword search on a map app (49.2%)’ and ‘search on a video posting site (47.1%),’ 17.5% of 29 years old or older or 9.7% of the total say ‘ask to generative AI like ChatGPT.’
The ratio of people who have used AI-based services for travel was up 5.8 points to 49%. The most-selected reason why you use AI is ‘ ask to AI more easily than people,’ and the answer of AI can suggest what you have never thought of on my own’ increased largely,
Regarding unmanned services, procedure-related services, such as automatic accounting,’ ‘order on a tablet’ or ‘automatic immigration,’ are used frequently. For any services, 39 years old or younger intend to use them more highly than 40 years old or older do.