Users on top 5 Japanese OTAs increased by 1.5 times in Q1 of FY2022 year on year

Monthly Nielsen Digital Content Ratings report finds that users on all of top 5 OTAs increased by 1.5 times or more in the first quarter of FY2022 (April to June) compared to a year ago. Top OTA was with 13.7 million users increasing by 71%, followed by Rakuten Travel with 10.7 million increasing by 55%, with 4.2 million increasing by 160%, with 3.2 million increasing by 101% and JTB with 3.17 million increasing by 106%. 


GRP on all of the top 5 has risen since March 2022, as it reached the highest in June, and the average GRP rose by twice or higher in April to June compared to January to February. 

Also, GRP has increased in all age segments, as the average was up twice or higher in April to June compared to January to February. The average among 18 to 34 years old was particularly up about 3 times.


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