HIS, a Japanese leading travel firm, welcomed 1.3 million or more visitors in its virtual shop ‘HIS Travel World,’ which was launched in a smartphone metaverse space ‘REALITY World’ with GREE’s subsidiary ‘REALITY.’
The shop opened as a penetration experience into travel brochures in the limited period between June 29 and July 27 2022, displaying photo spots in popular destinations, such as Hawaii, Okinawa or Huis Ten Bosch theme-park.
18 to 24 years old visitors accounted for 60.7% of the total, and about 60% of the total visited the virtual shop repeatedly. The ratio of males to females was 36% to 64%.
Visitors enjoyed virtual travel as avatars and posting photos taken in the virtual space on SNS. HIS said that it was success in attracting new customers.
HIS is developing a project to enter the Web 3.0 space including NFT as well as the metaverse experience.