Tag: "OutboundTravelFromJapan"

COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and U.S., Europe and Australia  (As of May 7 2020)

COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and U.S., Europe and Australia (As of May 7 2020)

Travel Voice summarizes travel restriction information related to the COVID-19 between Japan and U.S., Europe and Australia as of May 7 2020. Japan refuses entries of foreigners from all of the countries.
The COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and South Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (As of April 30 2020)

The COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and South Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (As of April 30 2020)

The COVID-19-related travel restrictions between Japan and East Asia are still effective (as of April 30 2020). Japan continues refusing entries of foreigners from China, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.